In Faith-Based Fraud, Warren Cole Smith writes, “The problems I recount in this book are not organizational problems that can be solved with new regulations and procedures. The problems are spiritual and theological ones that merely manifest themselves as organizational problems.”
In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I talk with Smith about what churches should learn from religious scandals. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.
Warren Cole Smith is president of MinistryWatch, whose purpose is to be “an advocate for transparency, accountability, and the renewed credibility of Christian ministries.” He is author of Faith-Based Fraud: Learning from the Great Religious Scandals of Our Time, published by WildBlue Press.
This episode of the Influence Podcast is brought to you by My Healthy Church, distributors of MEGA Sports Camp.
MEGA Sports Camp outreaches create connection between your church and community and introduce kids to a life-changing relationship with Jesus. This year, choose from two great sports-based themes for your next VBS outreach.
Visit for more information.
“This represents a significant mission field,” writes Christina Quick in her profile of Lynda Hausfeld in the spring 2022 issue of Influence. “Yet many Christians are hesitant to reach out to their Muslim neighbors.”
In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I talk with Mark and Lynda Hausfeld about how to share the gospel with Muslim neighbors. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.
Mark Hausfeld is vice president for Institutional Innovation and director of the Center for the Study of World Religions at Trinity Bible College and Graduate School in Ellendale, North Dakota. Lynda Hausfeld is founder and director of Say Hello: Serving Muslim Women, a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions. Both are ordained AG ministers.
This episode of the Influence Podcast is brought to you by My Healthy Church, distributors of Bible Engagement Project.
Bible Engagement Project gives churches access to a library of kids curriculum and small group resources all in one subscription.
Visit to download sample lessons.
Leading change is one of a pastor’s most important jobs.
The changes pastors lead are spiritual, moral, and missional in nature. In other words, they help people come to Christ (spiritual), become like Christ (moral), and go out as witnesses to Christ (missional).
The changes pastors lead are also organizational. In other words, pastors help congregations change their methods and structures to make sure that the means of ministry actually accomplish its spiritual, moral, and missional ends.
In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I talk with Mike Clarensau about how pastors can lead congregational change in collaboration with church members. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.
Mike Clarensau is an ordained Assemblies of God minister, church consultant, and author of several books. His new book is Subject to Change: What People Want Their Pastor to Know Before Asking Them to Change, published by Arrows & Stones.
My conversation with him is coming up after a brief word from our sponsor.
This episode of the Influence Podcast is brought to you by My Healthy Church, distributors of Bible Engagement Project.
Bible Engagement Project gives churches access to a library of kids curriculum and small group resources all in one subscription.
Visit to download sample lessons.
“Today, most churches and nonprofit organizations working in anti-human-trafficking efforts are focused solely on the victims who have already fallen or been thrown off the cliff of modern slavery.”
Unfortunately, the authors continue, “we will never end human trafficking and modern slavery with this as our only strategy. Together, we must erect an impervious fence so that women, men, and children never fall off the cliff in the first place.”
In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I talk with Sandra Morgan about how the church can help do this. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.
Sandra Morgan is director of the Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California. An ordained Assemblies of God minister, she serves as co-chair of the World Assemblies of God Commission on Sexual Exploitation, Slavery and Trafficking. She is co-author of Ending Human Trafficking, published by IVP Academic.
This episode of the Influence Podcast is brought to you by My Healthy Church, distributors of MEGA Sports Camp.
MEGA Sports Camp outreaches create connection between your church and community and introduce kids to a life-changing relationship with Jesus. This year, choose from two great sports-based themes for your next VBS outreach.
Visit for more information.